Backyard Camping
OK, so we didn't really go camping, but the girls still wanted to put up the tent and pretned that we did.
Brooklyn's new "goshes"
When we went out to the Washington Coast a couple of weeks ago, Kennady and Brooklyn got some new galoshes and they were so excited to wear them, but we forgot to take them when we went to the beach. There is a little part of the Puget Sound that extends down behind our house so we decided to take them down and let them try them out. Brooklyn thought her pink polka-dot "goshes" were pretty cool.
Shilter Farm Pumpkin Patch
Kennady and Brooklyn were so excited to go pick out their pumpkins this year. There is a farm that is set up like a little fall carnival not too far away, so we took them down to let them play and find their pumpkins. They got to go on a hay ride behind a tractor, play on a big pyramid of hay bales, pet some farm animals, and walk through a hay maze. It was a lot of fun.
"Shredding" Pumpkins
Brooklyn had been asking for weeks when we were going to "shred" pumpkins. We weren't quite sure what she meant until she said, "You know, like the princess castle from last year".
The pumpkin on the left is Scott's, in case you couldn't tell. Kennady and Brooklyn were pretty excited about it too, though. By the way, if you ask Brooklyn what she wants to name her little brother, she always says, "Derek Jeter". Scott is so proud.
Halloween Costumes
This year Kennady is a Halloween Minnie Mouse, and Brooklyn is TinkerBell.
Brooklyn's pre-school Halloween Party
My Cute Wife
Tara is very mad at me for adding this picture, but fortunately for me I can move a lot faster than she can right now. Well, let's be honest, most anything can move faster than she can right now. This has not been an easy pregnancy by any means (I don't think Tara has slept for more than an hour or two at a time for the last five months) but I've got to give her credit, she never complains about it. We are so anxious for the baby to come, especially Kennady and Brooklyn. We were at the store a few days ago and Kennady was looking at all the baby toys and asking how much they were. She picked up one and asked how much it was, and we told her it was twelve dollars. She reached in her bag and started pulling out money. We didn't think anything of it until she started pulling out fives and tens, and asking if she had enough. We were were shocked that she had that much money with her, and asked where she got it. She told us that she got it out of her piggy bank, something that we have told her not to do. Not understanding, we started to get mad at her and tell her that she shouldn't have done that and she needed to put it back. She looked down, and with a little tear in her eye said, "but I just wanted to buy something nice for little brother". We felt so bad for getting mad, and ended up letting her buy it. She is so excited that she wants to spend her own money (that she is saving for our next Disneyland trip) to buy something for the baby. She is such a sweetheart, and is going to be such a good big sister.